Kinetech’s Enterprise Services team announces the limited-release of the Google Maps Static API V2 widget for the Mendix platform. The updated widget delivers enhanced styling & significant performance improvements.
Since the launch of Google Maps, it has quickly become an industry standard for developers looking to display points of interest on a map. The pan and zoom features are common to most smartphone users (find gas, food, haircut, etc near me). Dynamic map loading is a critical feature in certain applications like delivery, ride-sharing, and navigation applications.
While the dynamic Google Maps API allows users to freely pan and zoom an interactive map, this feature comes at a huge performance cost that is not always justified. In one instance, the Kinetech Enterprise Services team reduced a page load time from 2 minutes to 10 seconds by switching from a dynamic to a static Google Maps API. This results in an 1,100% improvement in performance.
In instances where a static map is appropriate, this can dramatically improve user experience (UX) while also driving down infrastructure costs (less RAM / CPU). Fundamentally, these changes, though subtle, can be the difference between your application gaining critical user adoption or becoming obsolete.
Introducing the Google Maps Static API V2:
Kinetech’s Enterprise Services team developed this widget specifically for applications where panning and zooming is not necessary. For example, real-estate, fintech, and construction applications (where management or investors just want to see various points of interest (i.e. addresses displayed as pins) on a map. Using microflows we can then allow users the ability to select a point and “drill down” for additional details:
Example 1: Default Configuration and Map at Runtime
Example 2: Roads and Transit Lines Turned Off and Map at Runtime
Example 3: Markers and Administrative Titles Turned Off and Map at Runtime
One advantage of the dynamic Google Maps API over its static counterpart is the option for users to custom style it. In Kinetech’s new static Google Maps API V2 update, we are working to overcome this shortfall by including more dynamic styling options in the widget menu.
This allows us to publish a custom widget to the Mendix marketplace which has both the perks of dynamic styling and the static performance boost.
Here is rundown of the Functionality included in V2 Release:
Available Features |
V1 |
V2 |
Load image from Google Maps based on latitude and longitude |
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Adjust the height / width of map based on number of pixels |
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Display the roadmap, the satellite, the hybrid, or the terrain maps |
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New styling tab to improve widget organization |
✔ |
Customize 6 map features by choosing from 3 visibility options |
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Some additional information on V2’s 6 customizable features:
- Points of interest → these appear as markers on the map and include places like churches, hospitals, and schools
- Roads
- Transit Lines and Stations
- Bodies of Water
- Landscapes → these includes markers signifying man-made features, natural features, types of land, and terrain features
- Administrative areas → this includes country, locality, neighborhood, and province borders
For more information about leveraging this widget for your organization, please contact Kinetech directly at: (844) 546-3832 or
About Kinetech:
Kinetech, a platform Mendix partner, is a provider of custom enterprise software, delivered through the cloud with a focus on improved business productivity. The company focuses on cloud, mobile, and integrated technologies that solve real client problems. Kinetech’s service offerings are configured and integrated with other web services (APIs), platforms, and enterprise applications (CRM, ERP, HCM). The company delivers its offerings via internet browsers and on mobile devices. Kinetech designs, builds, and supports mission-critical applications, client/vendor portals, and modernizes legacy systems. Its cloud offerings include Digital Factory (Manufacturing), Kinetech PM (Construction / Project Management), GovTech (Government Technology) Cloud, and other bespoke solutions (Enterprise Cloud).