Cresta Construction partners with Kinetech adopts Enterprise Cloud


Cresta Construction Company (“Cresta”) is a subsidiary of TRT Holdings, and serves as both the owner and general contractor for internal projects. Cresta engaged Kinetech to customize Kinetech PM, and provide them a project management application that met the needs of both their owner PMs and their general contractor PMs.


Cresta presented Kinetech with an interesting challenge – customize Kinetech PM so that it met not only their needs as a General Contractor, but also their needs as an Owner. Prior to adopting Kinetech PM, Cresta lacked any project management tools except Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Outlook. 

The needs of the commercial construction industry are diverse and complex, and Cresta’s are no different. Whether it’s juggling multiple subcontractors across several U.S. states or tracking countless change orders, Cresta needed a project management application that integrated and streamlined their operations in many key process areas. Likewise, Cresta was also seeking an automated and intelligent means of creating an accurate pay application that did not require several man hours each pay period.

Of particular interest to Cresta was the prospect of creating a contract management system that was customized to their specific needs. Cresta’s contracts are unique dependent on type of contract and which group within the organization is utilizing the contract. 

Typical of most commercial contractors, there is always a strong push from senior leadership to provide accurate performance information that can be used to track whether or not a job is on budget. Cresta was no different and expected Kinetech PM to improve their budgeting and forecasting processes. 

Cresta lacked the following prior to adopting Kinetech PM:

  • Integrated and streamlined project management application that could be utilized by multiple stakeholder groups
  • Automated Pay Application
  • Mobile project management capabilities
  • Global contact management system
  • Accurate and efficient means of reporting performance and budgetary information to leadership
  • Standardized contract management system
  • Sufficient data management processes and governance


Kinetech proposed a 3 week development effort to customize Kinetech PM to satisfy the needs of Cresta. Our solution provided Cresta a best practice project management application, the ability to alter existing functionality and create entirely new capabilities to satisfy their unique needs. Our engineers worked with Cresta PMs directly to define the business needs, develop solutions and then test those solutions to confirm the need had been satisfied.

Together Kinetech and Cresta developed a fully integrated project management application: Cresta PM. Cresta PM is a full service commercial construction project management application for both Owner and General Contractor PMs. The application integrates all major components of the construction process – from RFIs to PCIs, change orders to pay applications and everything in between. Cresta PM also provides access to key capabilities in the field via any mobile device to unify the field crews with the home office and ensure the data captured in the field is consistent, accurate and timely. 

Cresta PM now provides the right information to the right people, as well as a collaborative work environment where information can be shared securely and effortlessly. Cresta PM also consolidates and automates a number of previously manual activities, thereby increasing the efficiency of each employee. An additional gain was the Cresta Construction Company partners with Kinetech to build Enterprise Project Management System development of a subcontractor contract management system that provides Cresta unique contract templates based on the type of contract. Security has been customized down to each input field to afford Cresta the utmost flexibility when editing and sharing subcontractor contracts.


Cresta PM is currently utilized by members of both Owner and General Contractor PMs, as well as individuals from multiple business units. The application has streamlined subcontractor contract management, automated the pay application process and via a custom change order workflow we’ve ensured every dollar is accounted for. Kinetech’s ability to create an integrated project management application has automated many key processes and job functions of PMs that were previously performed manually. 


Because we serve as both an Owner and GC, Kinetech was the ideal fit since they offered us the opportunity to customize an app to meet our unique set of needs.
— Jim Elsener - Project Manager, Cresta Construction Company


Cresta has also realized significant improvements in not only the accessibility of project information, but also the quality and accuracy of that information. Important documentation is always now a click away, and affords strict governance and accountability of both Cresta employees and also subcontractors. This has led to more efficient management of projects, better adherence to budgets and greater information flow to leadership.

As always with a Kinetech application, our customers not only recognize the value that we have already provided, but also have the foresight to recognize the value that we may provide in the future. We continue to add new features and functionality to Cresta PM, and as always Cresta largely defines what those features and functionality should be. 

About Cresta

TRT Holdings is a private holding company based in Dallas, Texas that owns hotel chain Omni Hotels, Gold's Gym, Cresta Construction Company, Tana Exploration, an oil and gas exploration firm, Waldo's Dollar Mart in Mexico and many investments in other companies. It was founded in 1989. 

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