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When Excel Fails your Business


Excel is widely used because it is relatively inexpensive and fairly intuitive. As a result project administrators, business analysts, and project managers everywhere are burdened with the task of consistently aggregating data and generating reports.

To streamline this process (and this is a great step in the right direction), businesses create Excel (and Word) templates that everyone must use on a per project basis so the aggregation of data is a "simple" copy and paste from sheet to sheet to create a company wide overview.

The Shortfalls of Excel

In today's "always on" environment where colleagues and customers are constantly communicating via mobile devices Excel just does not cut it. The shortfall of Excel in this scenario occurs because the data stored (for the most part) in Excel spreadsheets does not communicate with data in other parts of your business. Different versions of the template inevitably get created on the side and the business struggles to enforce rules and keep the process in check. Therefore, as your business grows your expenses grow at nearly the same rate (more administrators and admins).

By taking standardized process and converting them to integrated solutions Kinetech allows your business to scale (ie the system can aggregate the data for you) freeing your team from monotonous tasks and empowering them to go solve unstructured problems. 

Michael Guido | CEO Kinetech Cloud

Where the process can be improved is through the use of web-based Software as a Service (SaaS) applications. By taking standardized process and converting them to integrated solutions Kinetech allows your business to scale (ie the system can aggregate the data for you) freeing your team from monotonous tasks and empowering them to go solve unstructured problems. In addition, web-based applications can enforce sophisticated business rules and allow executives to quickly scan to get the "50,000 ft view" while still having the ability to "drill-down" to a more granular level.

Kinetech PM - Dynamic Charting w/ Drill-down

Dynamic Charting on Make A Gif

By taking standardized process and converting them to integrated solutions Kinetech allows your business to scale (ie the system can aggregate the data for you) freeing your team from monotonous tasks and empowering them to go solve unstructured problems.

As a disclaimer, Microsoft Excel is one of, if not, the most transformative software application ever written. For business professionals this simple tool transformed the way knowledge workers stored, organized, and visualized information about their business and customers. However, for large enterprises Excel can only get you so far. Everyday Kinetech sales engineers and consultants are helping our customers transform their business potential into dynamic performance. Are you ready?

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