SAP... A Cloud Company?

SAP is undoubtedly in transformation but does the loss of another key leader indicate the turnaround is not going as planned? Smaller cloud-born companies like Kinetech are increasingly gaining market share as businesses demand custom, web and mobile applications to support their operations. "The days of $100 Million implementations lasting years is over" said Michael Guido, CEO of Kinetech. "Businesses need scalable solutions that fit their processes and operations, not the other way around." Avande Inc's CEO echoed our sentiments when he commented in CIO Journal, "Part of that spending is motivated by companies looking to create better digital experiences. Mr. Warby says the best way for companies to do that is by transforming their internal IT. “If at the end of the day your people don’t get a digital experience, it’s almost impossible for customers to get a digital experience,” he says.

Contact Kinetech today to understand how we can assist you to create the software and tools you need to support your employees and improve operational efficiency.

City of San Antonio - Digital Transformation
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Learn about the City of San Antonio's Digital Transformation with Kinetech.



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